Monday, February 22, 2010

Here is it: my demoreel :-)

So, here we are.. After 1 year in Vanarts, after pain, blood and hours whitout sleepin' properly (expecially because I had also to work) it seems that I've done something.
I couldn't achieve this whitout first of all my mother and my sister that I love so much, they pushed me a lot to go to Vancouver and follow my dream. I wouldn't be here whithout them.-
THanks to my zia Piera and zio Bartolo, they gave me a lot of Love, expecially when I was in Milan
I also have to say thanks to all of my teachers, expecially Clint who everytime helped me a lot, even after class, even in lunch time (thank you so much).He's very good but he treated myself at the same level then him, he gave a lot of energy and hope.
Thanks to Mark who is not even my teacher but is still helping me to understand the art of make storiboards for features.
Thanks to my art director Flavio Ferron, who gave me the opportunity to work from Vancouver for Italy, trusting me everytime.- Whitout him I even didn't start to draw. He was my first teacher in comic and he's a wonderful person.-
Thank you Tommaso, who stays with me during night time to speak about our project and creations.-
Thanks to my friends, who trust in me and are with me everytime I need.

Thanks to my fans, I love you all, you give me the energy that sometimes it's easy to lose.-

Thanks to my father who is with me anytime, I feel you and I hope one day I'll be able to achieve what I promised you.-

Thank you for watchin' it


Jalopy said...

Looks awesome Francesco! You worked very hard this year and it really shows, thanks for making this such a memorable year :)

thePusher said...

Thank you Clint!

quellobianco said...

L'intro è commuovente...
Gran bel lavoro, l'ho sempre detto che sei un grande!
So long

thePusher said...

Grazie Alberto, detto da te è piu' che un complimento!!! C'è un casino da migliorare ma come dire.. SIamo sempre meglio di prima e peggio di dopo quindi.. conviene star tranquilli!

Tom said...

.... Senza parole... Grande Fra! La versione definitiva della Genesi (quante versioni ci sono a proposito...?!) è meravigliosa! Allora era vero che stavi in piedi la notte, e io che credevo che ti smarmellassi tutto il tempo! Cmq grandi complimenti, non avevo dubbi che avresti fatto un lavoro così bello! Bravo!

paul said...

hey francesco
nice stuff!
I like your characters, really funny.
I' m your fan.
visit me in germany some day.

thePusher said...

Ehi Paul!! You know I'm your fan too! I'm planning to go to Berlin for Vacations (like 3 or 4 days) with my german friend, I don't know how far it is from your place but should be cool to meet for some coffee and talk!! I discovered a very important studio in Germany called DIngo Pictures! Do you know them? If you don't there's lots of fun, go to see their products!