Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rory is Walking in a cycle

I made this character called Rory for some animation exercises... What's better than a walk to test it? I've taken the BG music from the Slapsus (from Zelig, an Italian TV SHOW).-

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Surreal Brain

I finally made an image for my blog! I hope you like it, this situation usually happen to me everyday, o my god, we don't have enough time to make every idea comes in pur mind.- uff.- that sucks.- Ciao :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

COLLAGE, is my favourite medium!

As you can see in lot of my drawings, I had lot of influence by collage. It takes a little bit more time but it is perfect to understand colors, silouettes and to find new ways of semplification.- Here in Vancouver, because I don't have enough time and an appropriate space, I can't do anything with this wonderful technique.- For now, I only can show something I made 4 years ago :-) CIAO


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hydrant Allergy

A stop motion clip I did for fun to see how a take works in stop motion

And these are some photos, so you can see how I made it