Friday, December 16, 2011

A Tunacan Dragon Sketch Session™

Ladies and Gentleman,
we're proud to present a new Sketch Session in Milano (Italy)!

It's something that we usually do in Ammmmeriga and Cannnnnnnada... You go out and.. you know what? YOU DRAW! Everything you see! Everything you want! Who cares? NOBODY!

So let's meet together next Wednesday 12/21/11 in Milano (piazza Duomo) at 10,30 a.m.!!!

Let's have fun! OK? ok! We're waiting for you! YEAHHHHHHH!
The Logo is made by my Friend Carol, as U can see she Kick Ass! YEEEEES! Let's go !!
(the little brain in the bulb it's me <---!)

Sharp Your pencil, take your sketchbook AND... YEAHHHHHHHH!

CIAOOOOOO, I love U all,


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ciao Carlo Peroni!

Hello friends!
I remember myself as a child. Reading "il Giornalino".. It was a Magazine we were forced to read during the Catholic elementary school. I really didn't like anything in that magazine except for Carlo Peroni's comic strips (l'ispettore Perogatt for example) and Pinky <- From Massimo Mattioli. I also think that something of them is still in my drawings.
Today Carlo Peroni left Us.
I hope he's still smoke his pencil in heaven.

Ciao Carlo!