For today Bobby CHiu's interview the guest was.... ta-daaaa! ALberto Ruiz! He talked about self publishing and now I know something more! Every interview I feel better, with lots of ideas, positivity and knowledges!
This time The topic was a collage of girls.. I didn't understand well what he was meaning with that... I mean.. A collage of girls.. Is it a collage? Because everyone did different.. I decided to go on and doing an actual collage with paper.. After that I did one digitally.- With the last one I won!!!! So, thanks to Alberto Ruiiz and thanks to who voted for my picture!
Doing collage helps a lot to push the siloutte and to understand the colors (actually I don't like what I did.. But at least I understood why :-))
Ok, I'm going to the gym now.. I have to pump blood to my brain :-)