Friday, December 18, 2009

Weird Dream

We are the guy with the tie.
The Duck is our dream. She's bringing us up.
The ground is what people thinks about us: BLA BLA BLA.
The Sky is the sky.
The direction is our destiny.

SO: We're walking on people opinions about us, thanks to our dreams.

People opinion kills our own dreams sometime. I think we should listen to them but never leave the connection with our dreams!

This where I'm starting, there's lots of better way to make it better, this was the first visualization, of corse I'm going to work on that.-


Jalopy said...

Beautiful collage, I love the snow texture. Is there something that you're not good at?

thePusher said...

Ehi Clint,
what about my English, uahuahuah!

Tom said...

E io che pensavo fosse solo un tizio che porta a passeggio un'anatra al guinzaglio! Scherzi a parte, Fra sei il solito figo!