Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hi tutti!
I don't know why I feel that I can't draw.
That's why today, before doing my work I did a warm up.
It helps a lot, I hope to feel comfortable soon with my drawings :-/
Thanks for watching my Blog!

I also did this version of myself at the beach with my favourite Frozen Strawberry Margaritas. I have a turtle on my belly 'coz I've just started a diet so I need at least a year ti have cool abdominals like a model. I did this 'coz this summer no vacations for me so at least as a drawing I want to have relax :-D


Rory Neil said...

LOL I love this!

thePusher said...

Thanks my friend :-D

Tom said...

Guardando da vicino il tuo avatar mi sono accorto che se colorassi di rosa la testa della tartaruga...