Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sketchoholic Humberto Ramos!!! Fairy Quest!

A very inspiring contest this one,
I didn't have time to make 2 but I did my best to do at least 1!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm finally Back!

Hello everyone!

After 1 year and an Half I'm finally back home! I don't know how long I'm going to stay here, it probably depends by job opportunities and destiny!

I did this doodle during the flight.- I was dreaming my guitar (finally)!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I did the Alberto RuiZ Contest

Hello Everyone!
For today Bobby CHiu's interview the guest was.... ta-daaaa! ALberto Ruiz! He talked about self publishing and now I know something more! Every interview I feel better, with lots of ideas, positivity and knowledges!

This time The topic was a collage of girls.. I didn't understand well what he was meaning with that... I mean.. A collage of girls.. Is it a collage? Because everyone did different.. I decided to go on and doing an actual collage with paper.. After that I did one digitally.- With the last one I won!!!! So, thanks to Alberto Ruiiz and thanks to who voted for my picture!

Doing collage helps a lot to push the siloutte and to understand the colors (actually I don't like what I did.. But at least I understood why :-))

Ok, I'm going to the gym now.. I have to pump blood to my brain :-)



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Anniversary Granpa's dead

10 years ago my Granfather died.
I will never forget him, nobody can forget his own superHero!
CIao Nonno, I miss you so much


Monday, April 19, 2010

Crocodile eats the tiger verion n°2

Hello everyone!

I did another version of the crocodile eating the tiger, with a close up, I don't know, just for fun!
The first idae was to treat the Crocodile's teeth as a cage for the tiger, then, talking with my friend "quellobianco" ( a crocodile is famous because he has a lot of teeth but not because of the lenght of them) I did the final version a little bit different.-


Sunday, April 18, 2010


For the last contest I did, about the bunny girl and the animal I did this other sketch.
I found it interesting and so even if the contest is past I decided to finalized it.- Of corse, it's not a bunny girl anymore.-
I decided to add on her hair a special hairclip, I made a version with a butterfly, one with a strawberry, one with an octopuss.
Special thanks to my friend Giuditta that gave me the idea to make it a Cupcake :-)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Can slugs play guitar?

I was chatting with my buddy Tommi while I was doing a drawing (that I'm going to post tomorrow) and there was an empty space there.- I asked him, ehi Tommy, tell me some animal I can draw to fill that space. He told me, make a slug, slugs are funny every time! I was wondering how to make that slug and I told him, ehi, I'm going to make a slug playing a guitar!

After a while he asked me, ehi Fra, Slugs don't have arms, how can they play guitar? And did this stupid concept that made me laught :-) I hope you're going to like it as well!

I also did the color version, Tommaso sent me his own color version, a kind of Psychedelic one, very funny as well!
Ok, I'm going back to work now,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A new contest with Fransisco Herrera (one of my favourite Marvel Comic Artist!)

I'm so Happy that I'm going to listen for live! Fransisco Herrera interviewed by Bobby Chiu!
That's so cool! So this are the 2 drawings I did for the contest : Create an illustration of a 'Sexy Bunny Girl with a Crazy Animal'
I did the last one first and then I didn't like it and made the other one!
You can also see the ruff drawings I did (and that I start everytime making smaller legs when I draw girls :-))
I hope you like it!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Story Bird!

Because I'm graduated not more than 2 monts ago I do am eligible for the Pixar internship. That's something that I couldn't lose. I decided to do something and.. Do you know when people says that we also have to be lucky? I totally agree! I am lucky because I met such a good teachers out there, and I have a lot of friends that gave me some energy when I was feeling to leave everything! I would like to say a very Special thank to Mark Pudleiner that told me why and how.- Thank you Mark! Another Especial MEGA THANK YOU to Clint Morris Jalopy, who all the time spend a lot of good words for me, giving me courage and strenght ! I also had a time when I was going to leave this work, 'cause I was feeling not able to do it.
Thank you Moni and Vale(my sister) to tell me to keep doing it! And thanks to everyone gave me a lot of good comment on my drawings.

So, at the end of this story. Even if I won't be choosen by Pixar I think start doing this work, keep going and finish it was something that worth it! I don't wanna look like cheesy but.. I'm already a winner, 'case I did it! And now it's time to go back and fix what doesn't work ;-)

Here some ruff I did of the characters.-

Sunday, April 11, 2010

CLeaning Up

I would really like to work for Pixar. I met some of those guys. I'm thinking how much we can learn working in a place like that.
Because of the Interniship deadline submission,
I have to clean up the storyboard I did...... before Tuesday.
I hope it's gonnabe good enough. Enough to be better than 1000000 other people and win that prize..... NAAAAAAAAAA!
There's so many people out there that are CRAZY GOOD!
But if we don't buy the ticket, we won't NEVER win the lottery, right?
I'd like to have some feedback, at least to now how to make what I did better and.... know..
..............Try it again?

Friday, April 9, 2010

YATTAcoffee :-)

Chatting with my buddy Tommaso,
I had some crits about the way I finalize my drawings. He told me to push more and to try to leave my ruff taste.-
He's totally right so from today on, I'll try to do that as much I can. And because I was going to start a little project in my mind I went to Blenz coffe and I tryed to do some sketches.
I can't talk about that for now 'cause it's a secret project but just to make you a little bit of curiosity... I called that sketchy hour Yattacoffe :-)

Insane Turtle-man

TOday's secret ChiuStrem contest was about drawing and Insane Turtle-man in one hour.- than time to upload, time start time to focus.- Pratically I did this gardbage.- Next time I wouldn't make the BG and also I'll do it in Pen.- :-)

But I had fun

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Croco Deviant Contest

Hello everyone!
Firstly I have to say thanks to everyone who voted for me at the Travis Louie's Sketchoholic today contest; I had the first position! I was also happy to see a lot of good artists there (my favourite at all: Dalostboyz, Juanpablo Casstromora and Rapson) I had lots of fun (thank you Bobby Chiu!)

After that I finally opened a Deviantart account I am ilPusher and I had a request to take part on a contest.- I'm very busy right now but I mean.. it was so interesting! So.. I did it! I did this sketch first:

I realized that the proportions of this crocodile were to boring.- Then I worked a little bit more and I did this:

I did another sketch for the same contest, I'll try to do it tomorrow (or this weekend).- I also have a secret project that I'm going to tell you soon!

Thanks for watching me!!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Facebook lies! Beautiful girl need also a good timing!

I saw this girl on facebook. She was beautiful. I fell in love with her in like.. 2 seconds!In every photo she was looking georgeus!

I had a date. I went there. I was excited! I did a very ruff drawing of her by memory:

Ok. Good proportions. Good looking girl. Just.. A model! Perfect. But sometimes photos lie.- A good girl needs also a good timing. She had a very cool keyframes (every time she had to take a photo) and very bad and slow inbetweens (real life)

I did those sketches to visualize that.-the first and the last one are the photo she did. Numbers are random of corse.. but she was something like that! ahahhaha!

So the meaning is: take care of facebook!

Sfida a ritmo di danza! A book where I worked for

It's finally on sale the book I drew, inked and colored last summer for Piemme!
I'm so happy that I have the opportunity to work for them.-

Cover by Giuseppe Facciotto - Art Director Flavio Ferron
Illustrations (pencil + ink + digital colors) from "VIta al college n°4" di Geronimo Stilton - Edizioni Piemme

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

never feed a frog with spaghetti, please!

I finally found my sister today, on Skype.

I told her to go on to see the anphibian I did for a contest .

She didn't like it.

She doesn't like that stuff. I don't like when my sister doesn't like my drawings. That's why I did another one. I think that it's better than the other one, not because of the style but because of the pose itself, more interesting and funny.

I did it in about 3 hours and 30 min (15 min for some thumbnails and the sketch, about 20 min to ink it and about 3 hours to color it).- I had a lot of fun. Now it's time to go back to work on my storyboard :-)

Monday, April 5, 2010



Sometimes we draw something but we don't know why.
I'll tell you why I did this:
I miss my guitar and I really want a real girlfriend.
So, what is better than a girl with a guitar for me?-

I'm going to work on this drawing and send it to Santa, maybe I'll find those things under my next Xmas tree :-)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kiss me (if you can)

Thanks to Bobby Chiu inspiration,
I did this experiment in about 2 hours (15min for the ruff drawing, 30min for the digital ink, the rest for coloring).-
Thanks Bobby Chiu for all of your advices and for this awesome idea to have an assignment every week.- I think, expecially when we lack in inspiration this is a good way to turn our brain on! It was for fun, I really don't care about the contest itself, I love to be part of that community!

I hope you guys find in every of my drawing that I had fun!